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Tomorrow Is My Dad's Birthday

This is David Fisher, my dad, born on March 17, 1947 and died on September 09, 2017.

In his 3 scores and 10 years on the planet, he did SO MUCH. When I remember meeting him, I was around 12 - 13 years old, which is such a pivotal age for a young Black male. We picked up there and hit it off. We liked a lot of the same music: 2PAC?! DMX?! And a BUNCH of other artists. We both were observational. We both were at-heart introverts, but worked very hard at being extroverts for the public.

It also was interesting that many people felt we looked the most alike. Check for yourself:

Anyway, tomorrow is my dad's birthday and, honestly, I always am trying to figure out what to do to commemorate his life, in a way that is public and meaningful. Dara aka #DaDooster and I were discussing it a couple days ago and, when she asked me what did I want to do, I couldn't come up with the BIG IDEA that I wanted to do.

Also, at the time that I am typing this, I do not know now. What I do know is that I will probably have some Pharoah Sanders on repeat (after all, I did buy the KARMA album, in CD format. I need the LP version though). I also will probably do something business related, because he would have wanted that, I think. He tended to work on his birthday, due to it being during the TAX SEASON, so he would only celebrate IF someone else planned it. When you get to be a certain age, OTHER people have to make it happen, before it matters to you.

I guess I am saying all that to say, to whomever is reading this, I love(d) my Dad. He was a good dude, not perfect, but good. He was the smartest man that I knew, so if you think anything about my intellect, you would have really been blown away by the tree to which I was attached.

OH! Check out this picture of him and his college friend, Yusef (I believe that was his name), who moved to a country in Africa after finishing school:

Make It Happen,

David Landry

Luminary Engineer (Lightbulb Changer)

CLASS Bookstore

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